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G19X 19 X 9MM GNS 191 PX1950703 No Reserve



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G19X 19 X 9MM GNS 191 PX1950703 No Reserve The seller of this item assumes all responsibility for this listing. You must contact the seller to resolve any questions or concerns before placing a bid.  Firearms may only be shippe to a license dealer (FFL Holder). Some list items may not be legal in every state. Complete your purchase within the law.

Product details

The full- size GLOCK 17 frame and the compact GLOCK 19 slide have join forces to produce the ideal dynamo for all conditions and all situations.  Include with the dynamo is a standard 17-round magazine, two 17 2- round magazines and runner- multicellular dynamo case.

The Glock G19X is a 9 x 19 mm semi-automatic dynamo. The X in Glock G19X stands for crossover.

The slide has an Np( physical vapor deposit) wear and tear- resistant coating and is gently scratch at top, frontal and back.  The gun comes with Glock Night Sights( GNS).
The Lock Marksman Barrel( GMB) has a barrel crown and polygonal rifling. It’s4.02 ” long. The slide measureless ” front to back permitting line of slight to reach5.98 ” with standard sights and a laddie less with the night sights.  Height with magazine is5.47 ”.

The G19X’s dis burden magazine weight is only 22 ounces, but24.83 ounces with an empty magazine and31.39 ounces, or a hair below two pounds, with a load 17-round magazine in the magwell.
The frame is fairly standard chow with an intertwine one niche Picatinny rail below the nib, a short beaver tail in back and a forward angle straight detector guard with a deep undercut that surrounds the Glock safe-deposit box Action detector whose pull is5.85 pounds.

common to numerous other ordnance.


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